The Iowa Secretary of State’s office in Des Moines recently launched a project that celebrates entrepreneurship by showcasing Iowa small businesses on their Facebook page. Among others, 818 – a tiny design empire was selected to be interviewed regarding...
Exciting news! We are seeking a full-time Sr. Designer with 5+ years of experience to join our growing studio. Within this role, priorities include creative direction and execution, project management, client communications and design team leadership. Additional...
We’d like to introduce to you, our spring intern: Phil 2.0! Phil Kruzan Jr. has signed on with us again for the duration of the spring semester. The first time we introduced Phil, you got to know a little about him through our official 818 Intern This or...
AIGA is the national professional association for design who’s mission is to enhance the value of design across all disciplines (P.S. No big deal, but our own Paige Kleckner is the Co-President and Membership director of the Iowa chapter). The Minnesota chapter...
The summer has flown by so quickly! We want to give a shout out and a big congratulations to our former intern, Becca Berry! She just accepted a full time position at Delta Design in downtown Des Moines. Today, we welcome our fall intern: Phil Kruzan Jr.! ...